Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Statement

Dated: October 2023

Unicard Ltd is a leading provider of transport management solutions designed to enable local and regional authorities or private transport operators to configure and manage their own schemes.

We have around 130 members of staff based across the UK and Bulgaria. Our staff are largely directly employed and are not in any category which is generally seen to be vulnerable to modern slavery in these countries.

This annual report outlines our approach and activities to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place within our business or within our supply chain.

Our Supply Chain

Unicard Ltd is committed to understanding modern slavery risks and continuously improving its practices to identify and eliminate any slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chains, and to acting ethically and with integrity in all its business relationships.

Unicard Ltd uses a wide range of suppliers who supply IT services, equipment and consumables.

Due Diligence

Unicard have carried out due diligence processes in relation to those suppliers in our supply chain that may present a high risk of modern slavery. This includes a yearly review of our suppliers and conducting a review of the controls if there is a perceived risk. No risk was identified this year. The Organisation has not, to its knowledge, conducted any business this year (or any other year) with another organisation which has been found to have involved itself with modern slavery.


Unicard Ltd has policies and processes in place which aim to minimise the risk of modern slavery in our supply chain. These include:

  • Whistleblowing Policy - which encourages staff to report concerns with any vendors including any concerns related to modern slavery/trafficking and child or forced labour.
  • Recruitment Process – we expect our vendors to be following best practice when recruiting their staff which includes carrying out the required right to work checks.


Unicard Ltd is committed to ensuring all those who have a direct or indirect relationship with Unicard take responsibility for our supply chains, and are aware of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, and that they are providing training to their staff in terms of awareness and upskilling them where required.

Continuous Improvement

Unicard Ltd are committed to reviewing our internal processes to mitigate any risk of modern slavery or human trafficking.


In order to become a vendor / partner to Unicard, it is a requirement that each organisation confirms that they agree with the terms of engagement with Unicard concerning our Modern Slavery Policy. Any deviation is likely to put their vendor / partner status at risk.

Compliance Declaration

This year, Unicard has not to its knowledge:

  • used, or allowed its Subcontractors to use forced, bonded or involuntary prison labour;
  • required any staff to lodge deposits or identity papers
  • prevented any staff leaving employment after reasonable notice
  • been convicted of any slavery or human trafficking offences anywhere around the world
  • been under investigation, inquiry or enforcement proceedings in relation to any allegation of slavery or human trafficking offenses anywhere around the world
  • used physical abuse or discipline, the threat of physical abuse, sexual or other harassment and verbal abuse or other forms of intimidation of its employees or Subcontractors
  • used or allowed child or slave labour to be used by its Subcontractors

Unicard has:

  • made reasonable enquires to ensure that its officers, employees and subcontractors have not been convicted of slavery or human trafficking offenses anywhere around the world
  • maintained policies and procedures to ensure its compliance with the Modern Slavery Act (including with Subcontractors)
  • implemented due diligence procedures to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking in any part of its supply chain
  • reported any suspicion of slavery or trafficking to the relevant authorities

Sean Dickinson

CEO, Unicard Limited, October 2023